NPC News
2013 Archives
August 2013 - John Piret serves as a judge for Verizon’s 'Powerful Answers Award' Contest, Verizon's competition for startups [Boston MA].
June 2013 – John Piret, Lee Neumann [Independent U.S. lawyer based in Paris, France], Eliot Norman [Williams Mullen, Richmond VA], Olivier Attia [Gershon Consulting, New York NY] and Antoine Guillaud [International Management Solutions (IMS), Chicago IL] speak at a seminar hosted by the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie – Paris Ile-de-France [CCI-Paris IdF, Paris France] on the topic “Réussir une Levée de Fonds aux USA” [“Successful fund-raising in the USA”]. Concurrently, John Piret published an article entitled “Financement réussie aux Etats-Unis par PME françaises” [“Successful capital raising in the USA by French PMEs”] in ACCOMEX, the CCI-Paris IdF journal exclusively dedicated to helping French companies approach foreign markets.
June 2013 - John Piret becomes a mentor for MassChallenge [Boston MA]. MassChallenge is the world's largest startup accelerator and competition.